Holy APOSTLES Ministries



Catechism is the process by which people are made ready to become Orthodox Christians. Fr. Ignatius guides this process which is geared to individual needs of instruction as well as generalized instruction. This important ministry prepares people to become full members and disciples of Christ.

Click Here to Contact Fr. Ignatius to learn more.

Altar Servers

Sdn. Martin Cipolla heads this internal ministry of the church. Altar servers assist the clergy in the performance of the Divine Liturgy and other services. Any adult male of this parish, in good standing, is invited to join the team. Boys that are seven or older may also serve with their fathers. If you desire to serve, see Sdn. Martin.

Church Choir

Our church choir is always looking for new members who can sing, preferably read music, and can be a regular attender of services. These are not just confined to Divine Liturgy but also Wednesday and Saturday Vespers and other services that periodically occur on week days. If you are interested, please see Fr. Ignatius or Kristin Edwards-Kubrina to offer your talents.

Church Bookstore

The Philokalia Bookstore, located on the street end of the Saint Nicholas Hall, is run by Cindy Buxhoeveden. It is an excellent source of books, candles and incense supplies. Click here for store hours. We would like to open the store more often, so if you are interested and have time to help, please see Cindy.

Fellowship Meals

Tatiana Zheltov heads this ministry to the parish. There are multiple teams that provide the fellowship meals after liturgy. It is an opportunity to use one’s cooking skills to support our fellowship and to bless the members of the parish. If this is a ministry that suits, please see Tatiana.

Church School for Children

Guided by Jonathan and Sabrina Vilord, and with the support of dedicated church volunteers, our mission is to impart fundamental Christian education to our young members, nurturing their spiritual growth.

Following the liturgy, children are promptly dismissed after the symbolic act of kissing the cross. They then reunite with their parents in the fellowship hall. We offer two distinct classes: one for ages 4 to 8, and another for ages 8 to 12. If you have an unenrolled child or wish to contribute as a volunteer, we encourage you to connect with the Vilords. **


Fr. Ignatius is the focal point for charitable giving and acts. If anyone becomes aware of a person in need please see Fr. Ignatius as soon as possible and he will look into the need and determine the best response. 

Food Pantry

Rey Gartestig is currently leading our food pantry ministry. Please contact her and see what support she might need or who might need food from the pantry. To donate placed nonperishable foods in the Food donation bin in the Fellowship Hall.

Prosphora Preparation

This ministry trains and schedules individuals to prepare the prosphora for Divine Liturgies. This is a very holy and necessary ministry and it requires training to be able to participate. Please see Mat. Aimilia if you are interested in joining this ministry.

Looking to incorporate a video tutorial here in the future.

Shut-In Visitation

The clergy and some laity are involved in visiting our shut-ins. The clergy brings Communion to those who are home bound and cannot come to liturgy and the laity brings the precious gifts of time and presence. If you know of anybody who needs visitation or you desire to give of your time and talent, please see Fr. Ignatius. 


Charities, Parish Council, and More

Saint Nicholas Festival

The Saint Nicholas Festival is held every year on the first Saturday in December and honors Saint Nicholas of Myra. The Temple is open for tours and concerts of Orthodox liturgical hymns. Fr. Thomas dresses as Saint Nicholas and there are lectures on iconography, Christmas, and Saint Nicholas. Local vendors sell their wares and a Christmas shop encourages children to purchase gifts for their parents. Children enjoy activities such as face painting, and arts and crafts. The St. Nicholas Cafe serves a sampling of the Eastern European and American cuisine. A wide variety of home-made cookies are available at the famous cookie walk. The proceeds of the festival are donated to local charities.  If you have the desire to help, contact one of the coordinators a few months before the festival and learn how you can help. Coordinators: Cindy Buxhoeveden, Bob Pace, Mark Randomsky, and Christopher Rickman.

Click here to learn more about the St. Nicholas Festival.

International Orthodox Christian Charities

Fr. Thomas serves as a  Frontliner for IOCC. The IOCC has a crises response team that responds to disaster areas in the US and overseas to bring volunteer support into disaster areas. They had a major deployment of aid into the Columbia area when we had our floods in October 2015 as well as to Houston in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. They also deployed teams to Haiti to render aid after a hurricane caused widespread damage. Please see Fr. Thomas if this is of interest to you.

Saint Moses the Black Brotherhood

Our local chapter of this important society is headed by Jonathan and Sabrina Vilord. Its purpose is for us as individuals and as a parish to create within us and between us and others a spirit of reconciliation. In these volatile times, it is important for us to be ambassadors of Christ and be agents of reconciliation. If you wish to help, please see Jonathan or Sabrina to become part of this vital ministry.

Click Here to View the Canon of Reconciliation


Dn. Nicholas is our Pro-Life advocate. His ministry consists of prayer outside the local Planned Parenthood Clinic during the days that they do abortions. His ministry is non-confrontational as it is strictly prayer, not getting involved with the clientele or the other Pro-Life advocates. During 40 Days for Life, Dn. Nicholas organizes a group from our parish to go on a day when the clinic is closed and hold a prayer vigil for several hours outside the clinic. If you are interested in participation in this prayer ministry, please see Dn. Nicholas.

Parish Council

The council is the governing body of the parish that makes financial decisions and guides the parish through the setting and meeting of goals. The council meets monthly to discuss issues and make decisions. All adults are encouraged to attend the open meetings to keep informed on progress. Parish Council meetings are posted on the Church Calendar.

Click Here to view the Church Calendar

Church Warden

Kristin Edwards-Kubrina is the church warden. The warden is an important position that assists in the administration of the Parish Council, and the physical plant of the Temple and grounds.

Church Secretary

Our church secretary is Melangell Harwell. She is the administrative support of this parish and serves this vital role very ably. New members are encouraged to see Melangell to ensure we have your birthdate and the other important dates that we celebrate at the end of every Sunday liturgy. ****